

Responsibility of Author(s)

When an author(s) intends to submit an article to ORJHSS, the following points may please be considered as guidelines:

  1. Submitted article is the author(s) original work.
  2. The article is not currently under review/ submitted elsewhere.
  3. All authors have seen and approved the manuscript and have agreed to its submission to Orish Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences



  1. Any conflicts of interest should be declared on submission.
  2. Permission has been sought and granted to use any figures included whose copyright belongs to someone


Acknowledgement of Sources

All work that has been used in an article presented, including the author(s)’ own previous publications should be acknowledged, reference and cited properly.

If any personal communications (correspondence, conversations etc.…) are referred to or used in the manuscript, author must seek written permission from the source to use.

If an article reproduces research material, tables, images, the author must seek permission to use that material and fully acknowledge the owner and/or copyright owner.


Review Process

Research articles and letters will be sent for anonymous, external peer-review to two subject experts. The reports will be used by the journal editorial panel member to reach a summary decision. Orish Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is the journal to operate a double-blind peer review policy.

Reviewer’s comments will not be passed to authors by the editorial office before a summary decision is made, though authors are welcome to contact the office to request an update not more than once every two weeks.


Prior publication

Your submission may be similar to, or an update of, one previously published article by you. If this is the case, your manuscript must be a minimum of 70 percent different from the previous article and you must cite it as a reference.



Each Article for publication is checked by licensed Plagiarism software (TURNITIN)

Plagiarism includes directly copying others work, copying substantial amounts/elements of another work and also paraphrasing another work without due credit.

All authors must take care to cite and acknowledge all works that have influenced or been used to produce the submitted manuscript, including previous works by the author themselves.